Peter Appleton

Honestly throughout the lecture I was pretty confused, as I as sat towards the top of the lecture hall and peter kept walking around with no mic so already it was hard to hear and there were some people behind me who kept talking and then on top of that peters work is quite complicated anyway. So ye, not entirely sure what was going on most of the time, but I did catch some of the lecture so its fine.

So, Peter works a lot with sound being used in different forms and throughout the lecture he mentioned his interest in having the elements making the sound and he draws a lot of inspiration from the environment around him, such as the sea.
When researching it seems that Appleton’s 2008 City Of Culture piece is his most popular work. This piece involved the joining of the two opposite cathedrals in Liverpool the catholic metropolitan cathedral and the Anglican cathedral. Peter used lasers and I’m not entirely sure how he did it but he swapped the echoestics of the churches over playing with this idea of sound traveling as light.

Although I don’t understand most of what Peter said or to be honest does, I do find his idea and work interesting specifically the format of a lot of his sound installations. He could just simply have a sound piece with headphones, but he creates a whole new way to listen, creating an immersive experience. Which can be seen in his work which I can’t remember or find the name of, but he basically used a car as a speaker, he had this band that went over the bonnet of the car which fed the sound piece through the cars structure. So you had to get in the car to listen to the piece. How can you not like this the car is a speaker and its interactional which if you’ve read any of my other blog posts you already know that I love immersive and interactional art work.


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