Jasmir Creed

I had actually recently seen Jasmir's exhibition Distopolis at the Victoria Gallery where I read up on her practice, so I already knew quite a bit about some of the works and techniques, however it was interesting to meet her in person and explain where some of her inspiration comes from to create these abstracted paintings. 
I actually found it difficult to pay much attention and get good notes throughout this lecture as I felt Jasmir spoke quite dull, following exactly a script she had wrote for herself.

However I did find myself interested by the piece to the right called 'Underpass' which wasn't at her Distopolis exhibition. Jasmir explained what she thought about when painting this piece. Thinking about forgotten underground places and how the figures who stay or go there are forgotten figures 

Overall I don't think I got much out of this lecture at all and I feel bad for saying it, but I was kind of bored to death hence the doodles on my notes. 

Notes from lecture:


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