Adam Carr

Adam Carr is one of the tutors in my university whilst also being a practicing curator holding a number of guest curatorial positions around the world. Throughout the lecture I realised that Adam has a lot more creative input into the exhibitions then I thought, and this was interesting as I never really knew too much about curatorship.
One of Adams most recent exhibitions ‘Post-It Columbia’ that was in Bogota, Columbia just this September 2019. This exhibition featured 60 emerging Columbian artists all making art works out of post-it notes. Adam original began this idea around 15 years ago when he filled an office in Manchester with post-it notes. Only using Post-It notes for the exhibition gave the show economic and ecological sustainability. As the art work was easy to travel, saving money and reducing the environmental impact of exporting large works and their materials where cheap.
Other than this I actually loved ‘The Show Is Open When The Show Is Closed’ exhibition, which kind of feeds of this pattern I’ve seen with some of Adams work/interests of art here the artwork isn’t always recognised as art. This exhibition consisted of artists making posters which where put on the shutters of the gallery, hence the title, once the gallery was closed the art work could be seen and the exhibition was open. I thought this was so clever, its hilarious.


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