Jade Montserret

During the lecture I found myself really struggling to focus on what Jade was saying which was annoying because I really liked Jade's Work but in the lecture she presented a silent video in the background whilst she spoke from a sheet, which made me find it really hard to listen to her and properly focus, but I did try my best and learnt a lot about Jades inspirations and reasons for her work. 

Jades work focuses on sexuality, race and intelligence, talking about black history, African-American experiences, performances of how whiteness dehumanises black stories and the structure of society. Many of Jades art features charcoal writings on gallery walls and the process of this piece itself is a performance piece that she does naked and records. Jade works with charcoal as its sustainable as well as the fact that even after being cleaned of it leaves a trace on the white wall and during the performance piece Jade performs naked to show the contrast of her blackness against the white walls. 

In the lecture Jade mentioned how she is inspired by many sources such as black artists and writers but especially Josephine Baker the African-American entertainer. Josephine is mainly known for her activism and her impact on the black rights movement. Baker performed the banana dance, protesting how black people where being viewed as animalistic, she performed this naked with a banana skirt on for 4 hours. Jade has been extremely influenced by this and this is partly the reason why Jade performs naked working with the idea of what she calls negrotude. 

Even though I struggled focusing on the lecture itself I have found myself extremely interested by Jades work, I find her performances powerful and moving and this could be something I may look at using in my own work. I'm also interested to see what Jade does in the future as she mentioned at the end of the lecture she was planning to perform naked for 24 whole hours. 


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