Mini degree- part 3

The final part of the mini degree is the preparation and event of the mini degree show. For this we could either make anything we wanted to or make work to do with the projects we have done over the past weeks and then we exhibit it.

For the exhibition I decided on doing a collaboration with 2 other students Amelia and Tia where we done a performance piece. The idea of the performance piece was originally based of a joke that me and one of the other students had, we then decided to add onto this. Alongside the performance piece I also made a comic strip of the process of how we came up with the performance piece and the lead up to it.  
Further from the initial joke we began adding more details such as costumes, the music and most importantly the idea of having the audience interact with the piece. Throughout the performance Ameilia would play a broken piano and stop every now and then which would trigger me and Tia to stop what we where doing and stare at the audience, Amelia would then begin to splash paint at us. We had pots of paint and brushes dotted all around the piece in hope the audience would become involved and begin to also splash paint on us. Sadly only very few members of the audience joined in but in the end the live performance piece was a success and I really enjoyed doing it. If I where to do another performance piece in the future I think I would make sure to rehearse more to completely make sure it stays on track and the time is correct as i found throughout the piece me and the other artists became slightly art of time. 

Above are images of the set up of the performance piece, the first is before it began and the last two are after the event. 
Below are images of the comic strips I drew. The first two show the comics together placed in the door frame of the exhibit. I chose to place this comic in a place that is in plane sight yet hidden and simply just an odd place to show art. 

Below are images of the broken piano we found in the studios and fell in love with. Amelia played this broken piano exceptionally. 

Above are image of the costumes we wore during the performance piece the two last ones are after the performance showing the paint that was splashed. 


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