Mini degree- part 2.

Made it through the first week of the mini degree, ready for round two of more weird stuff.

Task 1- Failure. 
The first task for second year of the mini degree was to create a piece that failed. Which sounds easy enough until you think about making a failure piece successfully, so is that still a failure. 
Doing this task I tried not to think about it too much and actually done a work that was out of my control. I decided to do a painting, but the twist was that I was blindfolded and my little sister who's 7 years old had control of telling me what paint and where to paint etc. Bare in mind my little sister doesn't know her left from right, so surely it was bound to fail. I actually really enjoyed the process of doing this painting, it was really fun to do and I really liked the outcome of the painting, which can be seen below. However even though I liked the paintings itself, I found when presenting my work I was really interested in telling the story behind the painting rather then just presenting the painting itself. I think this technique of presenting work could be something id want to work with some more. 

Task 2- Success. 
After failure there was the task of success which is to obviously make a piece that is a success or making the previous failure piece now successful. I decided to use my failure piece to help make the success piece. I thought I would take one of the images that where on the failure painting (you couldn't tell what it was due to being blindfolded) and redoing it. My original thought was to 3-D print a a mobile phone (which was one of the images on the painting) and then painting it to look kind of pop-arty yet realistic, however this idea didn't work out as the 3-D printer wouldn't process the document I wanted to send. So i ended up having to change my idea and done a painting of one of the images in a kind of pop art style, which led me to painting a cartoon slice of bread (another image featured on the painting).

I guess you could say this week was a success and a failure. I succeeded with making a failure and failed at making the original success idea and in the end I preferred the outcome of the failure work over the success work. 


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