
Showing posts from November, 2018

Mini degree- part 3

The final part of the mini degree is the preparation and event of the mini degree show. For this we could either make anything we wanted to or make work to do with the projects we have done over the past weeks and then we exhibit it. For the exhibition I decided on doing a collaboration with 2 other students Amelia and Tia where we done a performance piece. The idea of the performance piece was originally based of a joke that me and one of the other students had, we then decided to add onto this. Alongside the performance piece I also made a comic strip of the process of how we came up with the performance piece and the lead up to it.   Further from the initial joke we began adding more details such as costumes, the music and most importantly the idea of having the audience interact with the piece. Throughout the performance Ameilia would play a broken piano and stop every now and then which would trigger me and Tia to stop what we where doing and stare at the audience, Amelia wou

Visiting the Tate.

As one of our Art history lectures we visited the Liverpool Tate and had a guided tour which included a tour of the Biennial exhibit in the Tate. Some of the displays at the Tate Biennial that I found interesting included the works of Haegue Yang, Dale Harding and Brain Jungen.  Haegue Yang's created an environment using sculptures, multi media and many traditional arts and crafts. Haegue made figures and things from folk tales woven with artificial straw. The environment was also made by a display of wallpaper which seemed to show imagery of pagen traditions, a surround sound of wildlife and ribbons which draped from the ceilings. I found this work of Yang's extremely interesting due to the multi-sensory experience from walking around this exhibit, there is so much going on in the work, it would be almost impossible to become bored of observing it as every time you go into the environment you see more. This is an idea i find really interesting and might even look into t

Mini degree- part 2.

Made it through the first week of the mini degree, ready for round two of more weird stuff. Task 1- Failure.  The first task for second year of the mini degree was to create a piece that failed. Which sounds easy enough until  you think about making a failure piece successfully, so is that still a failure.  Doing this task I tried not to think about it too much and actually done a work that was out of my control. I decided to do a painting, but the twist was that I  was blindfolded and my little sister who's 7 years old had control of telling me what paint and where to paint etc. Bare in mind my little sister doesn't know her left from right, so surely it was bound to fail.  I actually really enjoyed the process of doing this painting, it was really fun to do and I really liked the outcome of the  painting,  which can be seen below. However even though I liked the paintings itself, I  found  when presenting my work I was really interested in telling the story behind the pai