River of light festival.

I didn’t manage to see all of the art works at the river of light festival, but out of the pieces I did see, there where one particular piece I really liked called submergence.

Submergence is an immersive light installation by the UK’s leading digital augmentation companies Squidsoup. The installation in Mann island fills the atrium with strips of LED lights hanging from the ceiling, creating an immersive environment which encourages you to walk through these and interact with the wires. The piece has this playful aspect with the lights and the sound piece, creating an environment that encourages members of the public to walk through the lights and become part of the piece.

Creating this kind of playful environment is something I have experimented with in my own practice. However, I have experimented with the use of immersive installations with performance to create a playful environment in hope to encourage audience to interact. Although submergence has a different technique to open this room for audiences to engage, the playful environment it did create has made me think of different ways I could do this in my own work.


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