Mark Wright.

Mark spoke a lot about technology but in an interesting way, stating technology isn’t important it’s how you interact with it, making it art. He continued to say that every art material is technically a form of technology and that technology is spectrum of embodiment. I’ve never really thought to much about technology and even though I do use it in my art work and everyday life I never realised how much further I could manipulate and use it before.

Even though I found some of the points Mark was talking about I didn’t find many of his work that interesting. Such as the video piece where he motioned captured dancers and applied this to figures. Mark stated that this new embodiment of the dance changed the meaning, which it did, but in my opinion it just kind of reminded me of a music video. I just didn’t really find it that intriguing as I felt like I had already seen similar work to it before.

However, there was some work of Marks that I did like. Which was mainly the work where the audience would interact with the art. For instance, he had a piece which connected cities by having binoculars that when someone looked into them they would see the other city and there eyes would be shown on a billboard, screen kind of thing in the other city. I liked this piece as without the interaction of a member of the audience/public it wouldn’t work. The same goes for the last piece of work that Mark spoke about which was a piece that used Virtual Reality. Two people would have to wear these VR headsets they were swapped. So Mark had one male and one female wear the headsets and they would swap, the male would see females body as if it was his. Doing some kind of gender swap experience. The piece is hard to explain but how he played with the art being interactional was interesting.

As I’ve mentioned before interaction is a big part of my practice and I’m still experimenting with new and different ways to have audiences interact in my work. This is why I ended up finding Marks work useful, opening new ideas of audience interaction to practice with in my own work and think about how I can experiment with technology to do this.


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