Louise Giovanelli

I was a little bit late to this lecture and did miss the beginning but by the time I came in Louise was talking about how she uses a lot of found objects, whether that being objects already around her home or items she finds in charity shops as she finds the idea of being able to manipulate and transform these items an important aspect of her practice. 
Leading from this Louise created a painting of her room where she mirrored the image to create an interesting affect, highlighting the flowers towards the centre as well as trying to experiment with colours more at this point in her practice. 

Louise explained how she later found herself looking into art history and how old artwork can be refurbished and questionnaire whether this is still the original or now a new piece of artwork. This led her to looking at older paintings and painting over them to create a modern twist such as painting more prominent modern clothing onto a portrait. This became an ongoing project as she was asked to go to Gallery collections and create work responding to works in there, for example she created different paintings from a statue she had seen. The longer she explored this area of her practice and was asked by more galleries to do this work, Louise realised how she didn't want to just be known as an artist who responds to other work and wanted to be seen as a contemporary artist. 

As Louise tried to move on from this project she spent time in a Master Artist's residency. Explaining how she carried on looking at the importance of manipulation in her work and started making her own configurations to paint from using Plasticine, realising this way she had much more control over how she manipulates the object rather then using a found item and trying to manipulate it with paint and placement. 

Overall I didn't really find much interest in Louise's work, nor did I find the lecture useful towards my own practice, but I did find Louise's information about Master Artist Residency's useful as I have never heard of this before and think I may look into doing this myself after university, so I guess that was useful. 

Notes from the lecture:


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