
I recently went to the Victoria Gallery to see the exhibition Dystopolis by Jasmir Creed who's work seems to focus on the concept of psycho-geography (basically showing a place or environment that has a personal connection or showing something that has a connection to a place or environment) but with a very distorted technique which was interesting to see. 

One of the painting's I really liked by Creed was 'Alter Island'. This painting caught my eye almost instantly with the use of calming yet satisfying colours that create an upside down universe on top of an upright black and white universe. Each of these universes are landscapes, but each have a very different view of the place. I also enjoyed how this painting made me think of the upright universe that's supposed to make sense I guess is so dull and unworthy of living in when there is this alternate version full of colour and distortion and unknown that should be lived in, but for some reason there are no figures in this part of the painting compared to the upright landscape where blurry figures are seen. The overall effect I get from the painting is what I like the most, however I also liked the distorted technique that Jasmir painted. 

Another painting I looked at is the painting to the left, which I sadly didn't get the name of. Some aspects of the painting that I liked was the tents at the bottom of the painting which seem to have cartoonist details, giving it a surrealist feel and it kind of reminds me of festivals which is an amazing environment to think about. However from this the upside down landscape is dull and uses neutral colour tones, having a similar effect again but this time the upside down universe seems to be dark, creating the opposite effect from the panting I spoke of earlier. In this painting there is also a use of some kind of hedges which  had a block like and collage effect which kind of made me feel like the panting was rushed and she just threw this in. 

Overall I did like Jasmir's work and I liked a lot of the techniques she used when painting, but these techniques are not something I think I,d use in my own practice. 


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