
Showing posts from January, 2019

Cathedral- Knife Angel

At one of Liverpool's Cathedral's I recently saw a sculpture called the Knife Angel and this sculpture addresses the issues of knife crime across the country.  The Knife Angle is made from 100,000 confiscated knives that have been used to commit crimes, these have all been put together to make a gigantic figure of an angel. When walking up to the angel the first thing that hit me where its hands and face as its displayed outside the church with a light at its feet, highlighting these features. The angels face looks so disappointed and filled with sadness and its hands are held out, almost offering hope. By simply being next to this sculpture it really did hit me right in the heart. Observing all the different knives that where used to make this sculpture, some are rusted and used and the difference of knives as well, for instance in the wings there are huge machetes and cleavers, which truly brought a shiver to my spine. The knife Angel is a sculpture definitely worth seeing


I recently went to the Victoria Gallery to see the exhibition Dystopolis by Jasmir Creed who's work seems to focus on the concept of psycho-geography (basically showing a place or environment that has a personal connection or showing something that has a connection to a place or environment) but with a very distorted technique which was interesting to see.  One of the painting's I  really liked by Creed was 'Alter Island'. This painting caught my eye almost instantly with the use of calming yet satisfying colours that create an upside down universe on top of an upright black and white universe. Each of these universes are landscapes, but each have a very different view of the place. I also enjoyed how this painting made me think of the upright universe  that's  supposed to make sense I guess is so dull and unworthy of living in when there is this alternate version full of colour and distortion and unknown that should be lived in, but for some reason there are no f